Dos Equis
Some of my favorite TV, Print and Social from 2+ years writing on the Dos Equis team. Don’t be afraid to keep scrolling.
People on The MIM
For the first time since the arrival of The Most Interesting Man, we created Dos Equis commercials without him. Here are the results.
His Gifs to the World
Long before reaction gifs were on Tinder, they were usually only found on Reddit. We created these gifs and seeded them on social media, adding to the MIM's legendary online presence.
The Most Interesting Man on Foursquare
To share The Most Interesting Man's knowledge and insights with the world, we turned to Foursquare. Below is a taste of his 250+ tips.

Limited Edition Valentine’s Day Bottles
There’s no better time for kisses and hugs than Valentine’s Day. Our label already has the kisses, so we decided to add some hugs. We sent the romanticized bottles to our Instagram influencers and brand team as a special thank you. For a little project, it got a lot of love.

Dos de Mayo Skywriting
Our fans loved writing their own legend lines our the brand's wall. On Dos de Mayo, we rewarded them in a most interesting way.
Dos Nog Recipe
The clients needed an idea that didn’t break the bank, and I needed an excuse to expense alcohol. So we dug up unused commercial footage to create this story for “Dos Nog.” Everybody wins.